Refurbishing of RioBlanco Hydro power plant in Dominican Rep for ABB Substation in Västerås Sweden

Commissioning of generator REG670, REG650 and transformer protections RET670 and line protection REL670 synchronizer GPU at Rio Blanco hydropower station in Dominican Republic for ABB Substations in Västerås Sweden.
Commissioning work at SSAB in Luleå Sweden for ABB Substations
Commissioning of a substaion at SSAB in Luleå Sweden for ABB substations. Patrik Crafoord was hired for this project.
Commissioning at a substation in Borlänge Sweden for Linjemontage in Sweden
Commissioning of a substaion in Borlaänge Sweden for Linjemontage. Patrik Crafoord was hired for this project.
Electrical design work for a replacement of relay protections at Rio Blanco hydro power station in Dominican Republic for ABB Substations in Västerås Sweden
Conducting a training course for relay protections in Stockholm for Teknologiskt Institut in Gothenburg
Commissioning of MCP for synchronous motor at Basell in Poland and ABB in Helsinki Finland for ABB Machines in Västerås Sweden
Commissioning of a 30/10kV substation in Torsås Sweden for Vattenfall Service in Sweden
Commissioning of ABB REF615 relays at Torsås 30/10kV substation in the easter parts of Sweden for Vattenfall Service Nordic VSN
Maintenance testing of relay protection at Haukeland hospital and NETS in Norway for Dresser-Rand in Kongsberg Norway.
Maintenance testing of DEIF Delomatic relay protections at Haukeland hospital in bergen Norway.Maintenance testing of DEIF GPU relay protection at NETS in Oslo Norway
Electridal safety coordinator at Sydvästlänken HVDC project 2017-10 untill 2019-09
Electrical safety coordinator at Sydvästlänken HVDC project with base in the Hurva station for ÅF in Västerås and GE. Anders Åsberg was replacing Patrik Crafoord 4weeks during his vacation.
Service job at Ale El in Ahlafors Sweden 2018-07/08/09/10/11/12
Trouble shooting and maintenance testing in 20/10kV substations as well as giving traning to Ale EL personell